
We are one of the nation’s premier transcribers of recorded voice. What does this mean for you?
Our customers use our transcription service to capture:

  • A caller’s name and address to be used for fulfillment purposes
  • Customer satisfaction survey comments to be evaluated for customer service improvement
  • Dictations
  • Conference calls or various forms of voice recordings.

We developed a unique Q+4 data entry system to insure the highest degree of address completeness, accuracy, and deliverability. The result is a transcribed record captured by recording that compares very favorably in quality and completeness to a record produced by a live agent but is much more cost effective.

We deliver data directly to the end user in the form of secure FTP, VPN, or e-mail. Files are always customized to the users’ specifications and can be encrypted to insure privacy. All
data are archived or purged on a client-defined schedule.